Anthony R Page, Plays a Supporting Role in New Romantic Comedy: Vanity Vixens
Anthony R. Page at Vanity Vixens rehearsal table read w/ Actor Sean Freeman (left) The Atlanta independent film revolution continues... Producer & Screenwriter Vinnie Lamotte debuts his feature film with the hilarious romantic comedy Vanity Vixens, which is due to premiere this fall. Shaun Mathis of Laconic Productions directed the film which stars Ashley Evans , Sean Freeman , Desiree Dixon , and Kellen Marcus . I had the honor of playing a co-starring role in this film, looking forward to sharing this project with you all. On set during production with actors Kellen Marcus (left) Sean Freeman (right) and Anthony R Page ABOUT THE FILM: In the film Assante, played by rising star Sean Freeman, finds out his longtime girlfriend Tierra (Desiree Dixon) is cheating on him and his life begins to take a downward spiral. He is introduced to Vanity Vixens, a sophisticated escort agency that specializes in helping tormented lovers get the revenge they desire on t...