I Was Homeless For A Few Hours…

Car after car drove by and I held up my sign…

I’m A Vet… I Fought for You, Now Fight for Me…Support the Arts

Some honked their horns, and others sped past me. A few laughed and shook their heads and still others slowed down to get a closer look. One gentleman in a late model Lexus SUV stopped; pulled out a very expensive camera, with a 12-inch lens , and started taking pictures. As an actor, I was exhilarated because I connected enough with the truth that people “believed” it.

However after more cars, trucks, and SUVs continued to pass by, a deeper feeling begin to emerge. What was an exercise in creativity for me, was life for someone else. There was even another homeless gentleman, (or at least he seem to have very little material prosperity), who passed looking down at me because from where he was standing, he was doing better than I appeared to be.

For those few hours as I lay on the ground by the 5th Street Bridge, I was homeless.  I then begin to recall the times, when I waived someone off who was seeking my help, rolled up my window at an intersection, and even pretended not to see it…Yes, I have helped many people in my path, but not all.

I made sure to soak up as much of these feelings as possible to get some taste of the reality for thousands across the country. I didn't walk a mile in any homeless man’s shoes…only a few inches, but oh boy, the spiritual distance I had traveled. I was humbled by the experience and became very grateful that I have what I do have. I pray I never forget.

Some of the images from this experience will be a part of a grassroots arts advocacy initiative called the American Campaign for Creativity. You can find out more about the campaign here…

In preparation for this campaign, I took some time to evaluate the movements that have been created, supported, colored, and energized by many other creative talents such as Paul Robeson, Gordon Parks, Sammy Davis Jr., and Harry Belafonte. Following in their footsteps as well as being inspired by such contemporary creatives as Sean Penn and his work in Haiti and George Clooney’s work in Darfur and Sudan, I know with a heightened level of clarity and courage what I must do. One day, one step, one opportunity at a time…so help me GOD.  

To see more of the images from this experience go to...


  1. Wow!Outstanding! A gifted and blessed artist can envision the outcome of his or her product. Point well portrayed.
    ~Carolyn Anderson West


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