As we wrap up this weekend, let's remember the sacrifices of our forefathers and strengthen our commitment to our community.

Have some compassion for our fellow men and women, and know that everyone will go through something at some point.

Overall, this Juneteenth holiday reminds us that freedom is not given, most of the time it's taken.

Perhaps the biggest thing for us to reflect on about Juneteenth is that our ancestors were free and nobody told them.

I believe we are more free than we realize, or most certainly can's a choice that we have to renew daily.

We have come a long way, true, and yet we have a great distance to keep it moving, keep fighting...and what are we fighting for above all else...FAMILY!!!

So to all the brothers out there who are blessed to be fathers, salute...and to those who are yet to be fathers....just know that our community as a whole could use quite a bit more do as much as you can for as many as you can....we don't have to be perfect,  just put forth the effort and be consistent. 

Have a great rest of your weekend.


A Complete Look at Anthony's Background


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