This is How I Will Live!

When I was about 4 or 5 years old, there was a TV show that aired Saturday mornings on Channel 6 (the  ABC affiliate in Augusta, GA). It was a community-based show where a group of kids came to the studio with Police Trooper Terry and he taught them about community, morals, and American values. The kids didn't do much, but I saw what was my mind, I knew I could do "that" too. That’s when the light came on for me. Deep down inside of me, something resonated, clicked, and at that moment I knew this is what I wanted (needed) to do with my life. I shared it with my mother and of course, she was cautious. I suspect she understood how difficult life could be, in this sort of pursuit. You can be very good at it and still not “make it.” Following her reluctance, for the most part, my creative person went into hibernation. I still gravitated toward the creative but not with the same zest and fervor. 

My dad was brilliant in math and science; he was an electrical engineer and Certified Master Electrician, whatever he had that made those things possible for him, also existed in me. So throughout my youth, my choices led me down that path. I excelled in analytic arts, without putting forth too much effort, but there was yet a part of me that cried out like a voice in the wilderness for something greater, or at least something different. After high school, I joined the Navy and became an avionics technician, what else, electronics, just like my father - - I finished 3rd in the class and was headed down a path that would send my life in a completely different direction. I was doing so well, that I had a shot at being a pilot in the Navy and was asked to join the BOOST program. I thought about it, but I couldn't commit. I had already started college studying Biochemistry…but something would not allow me to go deeper into either discipline.

I continued on and after that time in the Navy I ended up in Atlanta, on the road to a Ph.D. in Chemistry at Georgia Tech. But before all of that could take hold, I discovered this emerging creative world that all seemed to make sense for “me.” It was predominantly music at that time (early - mid-1990's) with the successes of LaFace Records and a music production company called Organized Noise, but there were some meaningful possibilities in theater and film - - definitely more than I had been exposed to or involved in up to that point in my life.  I was 23 years old and decided that this is where I will plant my flag. I had no idea what I was doing, or how to get started, but to "this" - - I could commit.

Let’s jump ahead a bit, now I’m 42. For the last 19-20 years I have been learning, growing, and struggling to find my way in this industry. There were times that I thought about how my mother attempted to push me down that path of science and I often felt or questioned, that maybe she was right. I took on lots of transitional jobs, or ways to make money that would give me maximum time to continue the pursuit. So for these first 20+ years of my adult life, I have been involved in the military, restaurants & hotels, politics, education, journalism, economic development, ministry, all aspects of business, environmental advocacy, community activism…and the divergent list of hustles, money-making ventures and undertakings go on.

I had a knack and skill at many of these things and was usually above average to good in these areas. I believed with a little effort, perhaps a lot of focus and discipline, I could be great at any one of them. Many people throughout these various interests expressed great approval and acknowledged my aptitude for what “that” was, but few would give me a “thumbs up” on the part of me that I most wanted the world to see. I knew in many ways, that none had seen what I could really do and up to this point, I couldn't go all in because the pressures of living mounted as the years rolled on. 

(Note to self) So what are you gonna do? You are at the halfway point in your life…make a decision. Which path will you choose, and which road will lead you to your destiny? Which industry are you willing to go “All in," - - because the world is at a place where one foot in and one foot out gets you little to nothing? So what’s the next move?

I CHOOSE TO LIVE CREATIVELY. And whatever that means, whatever it requires and whatever else I have to give up, to go down this path…consider it done. World, allow me to introduce myself.  

My name is Anthony R. Page and I am in the business of being creative - - in all forms. My destiny lies in moving the masses through the art of storytelling via film, television, and theater; however it may manifest itself as a painting, still photography, or creative arts campaign. Nevertheless, this is how I will live the rest of my life. It’s not what I do, it’s who I am. Let the games begin! / ...continue! Onward!


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