The 2nd Annual Atlanta Creators Conference 2020 Comes to Atlanta

Delving into and pursuing your ambitions to break into the entertainment industry can be a very daunting task in all aspects, especially if you have little or no experience of the ups and downs and a general understanding of the business.

So, in 2018, the husband and wife team, Audrey Beharie-McGee and Brian, without any financial assistance whatsoever, but just putting their minds, prayers, and own personal resources into action,  decided to pool together their collective 35 years plus experience working within the myriad fields of the entertainment industry to launch The Atlanta Creators.

The Atlanta Creators Conference was launched with the mission to demystify the in-roads and create an affordable “synergy” to bridge the gap for those wishing to enter the industry by providing a healthy, productive, and dynamic forum where industry professionals from all walks of life about the Film, TV, Music, Arts, Music, and Theater can share their own personal stories, nuggets of wisdom, and acquired knowledge together with the ups and downs of the business through healthy, exciting and information dialogues.

This year’s 2nd Atlanta Creators Conference 2020 event will take place at The Atlanta Marriott Northeast Emory Hotel in Georgia on Saturday & Sunday, February 22nd & 23rd, 2020 and will feature over 55 amazing industry Guest Speakers, 2 incredible workshops, presentations, networking opportunities and SO MUCH MORE  - all over one exhilarating weekend and under one roof!

Georgia's Entertainment Industry Investment Act provides a 20 percent tax credit for companies that spend $500,000 or more on production and post-production in Georgia, either in a single production or on multiple projects, and an extra 10% if the “Georgia” logo appears on the end credits, Georgia has become a major player in the field of entertainment with a wide range of opportunities making themselves available to hard-working Georgians.

In September 2019,  Brian P. Kemp and the Georgia Department of Economic Development announced the record-breaking impact the Global Commerce and Film Divisions had in Georgia during the fiscal year 2019.

The Global Commerce Division supported the creation of  28,960 new jobs and 399 Productions created in Georgia for 2019 generating more than $7.4 billion in investment.

Breakdown: 26 feature films, 31 independent films, 214 television series, 91 commercials, and 29 music videos.

Georgia has quickly become one of the top filming locations in the world with it now being coined “The Hollywood Of The South”.  Many other states and the world are looking at Georgia as a viable and trustworthy place to relocate, invest and expand.  All, once again, providing quality employment for Georgians.

The Atlanta Creator’s primary focus is on gathering together with like-minded professionals from all corners of the business – whether it is the Film, TV, Music, Theater, Broadcasting, and Gaming industry - to create a one-stop agency that will act as a “hub” whereby other individuals – whether domestically in Georgia, outside States or Internationally – who are wishing to source viable, professionals with credentials will have access to human resources.

This could be – say - a storyboard artist, a screenwriter, producer, director, musician, an actor, a builder or carpenter, a PA, director of photography, illustrator, set decorators, crews, electricians, or carpenter – the list is endless…. any person from the enormous talent pool that exists in Georgia involved in the making of an entertainment intellectual property.

This will allow Georgia to develop the expertise, work ethics, and professional “polish” that our workforce needs to support healthy competition and shine a fruitful and productive spotlight on our existing talent pools, and herald Atlanta as one of the world's prestigious “Entertainment Capitals of
The World”. The road might not be easy but Audrey and Brian are firm believers in “If We Build It And They Will Come” to “Make Georgia Great” …. That is The Atlanta Creators.

For more details about
The Atlanta Creators and B.R.E Productions International, Inc.
Contact Audrey Beharie-McGee - President
Tel: 678-808-9850


Anthony R Page is supporting this event in several capacities. He is part of the organizing committee; will be a guest panelist on the directors / producers panel; will moderate the actors panel and will present a pop performance of his short stage play: Ham Hocks in Heaven. 


A Complete Look at Anthony's Background


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