The Important Part(s) Of Me - Updates and Anecdotes

These are a series of clips from the short film THE IMPORTANT PARTS(s) OF's a project I've had in development for quite a while...we are finally seeing some traction so I wanted to share some of the moments we used as a proof of concept for the series.


This is a sizzle on one of the key characters from a film I began to develop a few years the time we didn't get the traction we needed to get it to where it needed to the project has languished for awhile.

Here lately we have some interest in the project and we are in the midst of remixing and re-imagining it as a TV I wanted to share some of the footage we captured back then...

NOTE: We had a really fantastic group of talent across the front of and behind the camera. Some of the talent included in this sizzle are Beliria Sims, Dylan Bradley, Angel L Henderson, Raina Houston, E. David Jones, Tare Glasper, Nayazha Coleman, Christiana Renee, Tiffani-MiShelle Johnson, Demetrio Fray, Shay Davis, Kenneth "KB" Brown and I'sis Eikner as Dharia.

Behind the camera, we had Brian Wanjugu as the DP, Joshua Seymour as my 1st AD and Trey A. Lewis and Kenneth KB Brown as Executive Producers. As for me (Anthony R Page), I wrote, directed, co-executive produced and edited this project.

Progress not Perfection...We are not there yet and we all continue to grow as artists, but I hope you can see the good in what we were doing back many people did so many things so well...and this was back in 2017. I dare say that they (we) are all even better now.



This clip features: Raina Houston, Jasmine Ahnie, E. David Jones and Dylan Bradley as Young Ne'One.



We were shooting on the West side of Atlanta (in the hood), when a brother pulled up across the street jamming...we all took a break and got caught up in the moment and started dancing in the streets...our DP was able capture actress I'sis Eikner getting it in...for a while, she didn't know we were filming times!


Enjoy...more to come!!!


A Complete Look at Anthony's Background


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