With True Humility I Look Forward to Where The Spirit Shall Lead Me Next

A couple of weeks ago at the Atlanta Creators Conference, we did a pop-up performance of SOMEWHERE IN SUMMERVILLE. 

All in all the experience was fulfilling on so many levels. the actors Jesse Bingham and Aminah Williams were great to work with - - their focus, flexibility, and commitment open the door for me to lead them deeper into the work...and I believe I was able to open up some new things for them...

With the time we had, we certainly hit a mark, however, the experience was so collaborative, enriching, and inspiring I know that we only scratched the surface...(good talent has a way of affirming that)... and even though we were all very satisfied with what we presented, we all knew that we weren't done yet...I am sure our collaboration in some capacity will continue...

I ran across some photos that I grabbed during one of our rehearsals, I am reminded of how much I love working with and bringing out the best in people. 

On the spiritual plane, it has become clear to me that directing, coaching, guiding, connecting dots, building bridges, mentoring, and even motivating people are central to what I am here to do...I accept that, embrace it, and have deep gratitude for that "call" on my life... 

To my GOD, I see it, understand it, and have deep gratitude for all the gifts that have been given, all the revelations revealed and I with true humility look forward to where The Spirit shall lead me next...Ase, Amen, Ase. 


A Complete Look at Anthony's Background


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