Leadership - - Becoming a Better Film Producer

One of the most common sources of failure in leadership is a diagnostic failure. 


I am taking a series of leadership classes through Harvard University's online education platform. This morning, I completed another lesson and got some deeper insight and clarity on some of the things that I believe have limited my success rate in the past. 


If I do not properly diagnose the problem, the solution I implement will not work. In the past, I have identified the problems with some of my undertakings, but I am suddenly realizing that I didn't go far enough, consequently, my solutions didn't go far enough, which led to my missing the mark on several occasions. 


If I am truly committed to meeting consistently with the best results, I have to make sure that when problems arrive, I dig deep enough to understand what those problems truly are before I decide how to deal with them. Also, different problems require different types of leadership, but that is another lesson and I can get to that later. 

In the meantime keep going, keep growing and have a great week.


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