On March 6. 2008 I Walked Off That Cliff

On March 6, 2008,  I left my job in corporate America and launched out into the deep in pursuit of what I believed would be my destiny...and it has been and still is.

From 2008 until about 2011, I got my behind handed to me. I knew I had competitive skills, a lot of education, and of course a great deal of passion, but I had no idea how to run a business. I had to completely transform how I looked at life. There is a huge difference between being an employee and an employer.

I could no longer think, do or live in a silo. My life had to be 360. So much of what I needed to become required a full integration of my choices with my talents, my beliefs, my efforts, and my relationships. The process was painful but brought peace. You really don't know who you are, until you really KNOW who you ARE!

Throughout the process, I have learned how to fight and what to fight for. I have learned more about silence, discernment, patience, prayer, and pruning. I have broken down walls while building up boundaries. I have learned how to walk to get there faster and know how to run from the irrational, unreliable, irresponsible, reckless, and rude.

I understand better how THE SPIRIT shows up to nurture and help me navigate the nuances of personal and professional growth.

There have been so many moments of despair disappointment and other moments of absolute ecstasy and elation. I've hit many metaphorical brick walls going 1000 miles per hour and I have had plenty of Wile E. Coyote moments where I walked off that cliff and found myself suspended in mid-air. Just like Wile E. when he finally recognizes what was going on, he falls, as did I. But like Wile E. I picked myself up and went back to the drawing board, more resolute, more determined, and with quite a bit more real-world wisdom that came from each of those experiences.

As a producer, director, writer, and actor, it has been a journey. I have grown in so many ways as an artist, businessman, collaborator, partner, husband, father, son, neighbor, mentor, mentee, teacher, and friend. The last 2 and half years have been the most prolific and productive of my career and I am grateful for all the losses, the lessons, and the love. There are so many moments that I looked back, but thank GOD I never went back. Even in the darkest hours, I found a way forward.


I want to thank the Craft Institute for the acknowledgment. I appreciate and will continue to support the work you are doing.

To learn more about the Craft Institute


A Complete Look at Anthony's Background


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