The Anthony R. Page Film Men In My Bed Premieres in Atlanta August 27

Shaunii Arce leads the film in the role of Shasha. She is pictured here
with Evana Dollar who plays a 10-year-old version of the main character. 

 (ATLANTA, GA) Blue Bistro Creative in partnership with the APEX Museum TV Network will host a premiere screening of the film MEN IN MY BED on Saturday, August 27th at the Auburn Avenue Research Library from 12 noon to 3PM. The film, written, produced, and directed by Anthony R. Page, was adapted from an autobiography written by Mercuries Ryzen.

The premiere's program of activities includes a viewing of the film, a talk-back with select members of the cast & crew as well a book signing. Tommi Cole, whose music is featured on the soundtrack will also give a live performance. 

The library is located at 101 Auburn Ave NE, Atlanta, GA 30303

This event is free and open to the public. 

Allie L. Harris gives an emotionally substantial performance in the role of Fatima.

In this short biopic, the middle-aged Shasha played by Shaunii Arce comes to terms with her own past during a reflective conversation with her emotionally fatigued, 20-something-year-old daughter Fatima, played by Allie L. Harris. Throughout the course of the conversation, Shasha realizes that she must confront some of her own demons. 

Rese Cheri shines as a version of the main character Shasha in her 20s. 

The film has a supporting ensemble cast that includes Rese CheriKellen MarcusJoe JamesSefora Adjaho, and L'Raven Rouse

This film also marks the introduction of Evana Dollar, in her very first role as a 10-year-old version of the main character. Evana has a very special connection to the story as she is the granddaughter of the author. 

With a great deal of cinematic swagger, Joe James portrays Shasha's father Billie,
who was the leader of a gang called The Brooklyn Knights. 

"This film is a reminder of the importance of our relationships with our fathers. The main character spent years trying to fill the void in her life left by her father's absence."  ~ Anthony R Page 

Shasha's mother Betty is played brilliantly by model/actress Sefora Adjaho.

Additional information on this film can be found 
on the film's dedicated Facebook and Instagram pages. 


A Complete Look at Anthony's Background


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